Do you need prior knowledge of Arabic to come to Palestine? Coming to Palestine without knowing Arabic sounds challenging. The language barrier can create many confusing situations, but the challenge is not so unmanageable. Within the Study Arabic Language, no knowledge of Arabic is required to participate in any programs. Many international volunteers and interns travel to Palestine without any background in the Arabic language whatsoever.

Volunteering in Palestine without any knowledge of Arabic is not a problem

Volunteering in Palestine to Study Arabic Language without any knowledge of Arabic is not a problem because the staff working there have good English skills. During classes of any kind at Study Arabic Language, the majority of students have reached a beginner/intermediate English level thanks to Palestinian school education.

They should understand your instructions and explanations. In case internationals teach very young students and are not able to communicate with them, they will receive the help of one of Study Arabic Language staff.

Learning Arabic in Palestine without any prior knowledge is not a problem

Volunteers and interns learning Arabic in Palestine at Study Arabic Language show up with different levels in Arabic. We can choose whether we want an English speaker teacher or not.

The interns who have acquired many years of training would probably choose an Arabic-speaker-only teacher, but lots of them have a very good English-speaker teacher. Learning Arabic without any prior knowledge is  not a problem in this configuration

Many host families are willing to communicate with international and some of them are using translation apps to manage to communicate,

Volunteers and interns in Palestine have also the choice regarding the host family they are staying with during their stay in Hebron. Many host families have a minimum level of English or at least one of the relatives speaks English, which makes it easier for international without any background in Arabic.

Many families are willing to communicate with the internationals and some of them are using translation apps to manage to communicate, which can turn out to be very funny!

Most of the Palestinian people can manage some basic English

Internationals would probably find some difficulties while traveling to Palestine or walking around in the city. However, most of the Palestinian people can manage some basic English, greetings, and basic vocabulary. Others have quite a good level of English.

In case you get lost, Palestinian people are so helpful and would help you in any way they can. Some background in Fusha (classical Arabic) also can be very useful for internationals who travel to Palestine, even if the Palestinian dialect is the spoken language in the country.

Final Conclusion

Of course, some knowledge of Arabic is very helpful daily to manage a conversation at a shop or to ask for directions. we would recommend the international to develop an understanding of the sounds and learn the Arabic alphabet, which is an easy first step, before coming to Palestine and starting lessons. But again, no prior knowledge of Arabic is not a problem at all!